A contactless and convenient way to pay for transit
Umo is Metro’s contactless, account-based fare payment system that allows riders to board buses and manage accounts with a mobile app, or board with a Umo smart card and manage accounts online. The Umo system is now available for public use on all bus and MOBY paratransit trips. Fares on ORBT are only collected with the Umo system.
Pay with the Umo App Purchase a new Umo Smart Card
Note: Riders must choose between the mobile app or smart card, but not both.
Option #1: Pay with the Umo App
- Download the Umo Mobility app in the App Store or Google Play
- Create an account when you download the app. Use your phone number or email to get started!
- Add money to your account by selecting “Add Cash” from the Directions home screen or within the Wallet.
- When boarding, find your Validation Code from the home screen or within the Wallet. Hold the code up to the camera on the Umo reader.
- Note: Riders are not able to pay for more than one person when using the Umo app
Download Umo from the App StoreDownload Umo from Google Play
Option #2: Pay with a Umo Smart Card
- Pick up a Umo card at ticket vending machines, Metro’s office or by mail (you can order online or by calling Customer Service).
- Create an account by visiting on your phone or computer. Enter your registration information and your card number to get started!
- Remember to enter all 30 digits on the back of the card when creating an account (not the numbers on the front).
- Add cash (stored value) to your account at Funds can also be added at Metro’s office. Riders can also use ticket vending machines at ORBT Stations and the Westroads and North Omaha Transit Centers to add cash.
- When boarding, tap your card to the bottom half of the Umo reader.
- Note: Riders are not able to pay for more than one person when using the Umo smartcard
Option #3: Pay with a Umo PAper token
- Purchase a Umo paper token (one-ride pass with transfer) at Metro’s office. Riders can also purchase Umo paper tokens at ticket vending machines at ORBT Stations and the Westroads and North Omaha Transit Centers.
- No account set up is required.
- When boarding, simply hold the token up to the camera on Umo reader.
Boarding with Umo
When boarding, the reader will flash green and make an acceptance noise if your payment is accepted. The reader will flash red and make a denial noise if your payment is denied. Please add money to your account to board.
Ticket Vending Machines
Ticket vending machines (TVMs) are located at ORBT Stations and the Westroads and North Omaha Transit Center.
Using the TVM, you can:
- Purchase one-ride Umo paper tokens ($1.25)
- Purchase one-ride with transfer Umo paper tokens ($1.50)
- Reload your Umo account with a Umo card
- Check your Umo account balance
At this time, you can only get a Umo smart card from select TVMs at 33rd & Dodge WB, NOTC east, Westroads north, and the Metro lobby.
Change Tickets
When you pay cash, TVMs issue change in the form of a change ticket, which can only be used at TVMs toward future purchases.
Riders cannot use change tickets on Umo readers. Use the change ticket to purchase a paper token at the TVM before boarding the bus, MOBY or ORBT.

ORBT Fares
ORBT uses Umo exclusively for fare payment. Prices reflect Metro bus fares at $1.25 with 25-cent transfers. You can use Umo readers at any of the ORBT doors, and periodic fare inspectors will check for proof of payment.
Metro’s 30-day unlimited ride passes can be used on ORBT – no need to swipe or scan, just bring an activated pass on board for periodic fare inspection.
10-ride and single ride paper tickets cannot be used on ORBT, but should be used on other routes or exchanged at the Metro office for Umo credit.
Umo Features and Benefits
- Reduce contact on board
- No paper tickets or passes to keep track of
- Manage and reload money into wallets online or with the Umo app
- Get a card and reload at select local retailers or ticket vending machines
- Plan your trip, explore nearby stops and routes, and more with the Umo app
Pro Tip:
You can set your wallet to auto-load funds when your account reaches $5! Toggle in the app from within your wallet or select the auto load feature within your online account.
When transferring between ORBT and bus, Umo recognizes boarding activity and automatically gives you a transfer. If transferring to ORBT from a Metro bus and not using the Umo system, have your paper transfer ready for periodic fare inspection.
Fare Capping
Umo will utilize “fare capping,” which means the system will recognize the amount a rider with a Umo account pays in a calendar month and “cap” payments when Metro’s monthly ride cost is reached – currently $55 for full fare riders and $27.50 for half-fare riders. When boarding with the Umo app or card, the system will allow you to ride for free for the rest of that month.
- For example: you load $30 on September 1st and use the entire amount in your first week. You then load an additional $30 on September 8th. You reach $55 on September 14th, at which point your fares will be capped. You’ll have $5 to use in October and can reload your account at any time.
Half Fare
If you qualify for half-fare, you will need to verify your eligibility at Metro’s office and obtain a Umo half-fare card. Half-fare categories include senior citizens, Medicare card holders, and individuals with disabilities.
Pass Program
Participants in school pass programs can continue to use fareboxes on buses and MOBY vans or show IDs to drivers. On ORBT, they will board without swiping their cards, but must have IDs available for periodic fare inspection.
Paper Fare Tickets and Passes
Metro continues to sell and accept paper fare tickets and passes, which can be purchased at Metro’s office, online, and through a variety of retail outlets. Fareboxes, which remain on Metro buses and MOBY vehicles, continue to take paper tickets, passes, and cash, and will continue to honor and dispense value cards for cash overpayment.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I pronounce Umo?
“You-mo,” because the focus is on YOU when it comes to mobility. 😁
Can I use both the app and the card?
No, you must choose to use either the app or the card, but not both. You can use a paper token any time, but it will not be associated with your Umo account.
Do I have to use Umo?
Umo is only required on ORBT as of October 1, 2021. For bus and MOBY riders, Umo is simply a great new option!
Can I still use Metro paper tickets or passes?
- Metro will continue to sell 30-day unlimited ride passes, which can be purchased at Metro’s office, online, and through a variety of retail outlets.
- Fareboxes, which remain on Metro buses and MOBY vehicles, will continue to take paper tickets, passes, and cash, and will continue to honor and dispense value cards for cash overpayment.
- ORBT riders use Umo for fare payment. Riders can use Umo readers at any of the ORBT doors, and periodic fare inspectors will check for proof of payment. Riders can use 30-day unlimited ride paper passes on ORBT, and should have them ready for periodic fare inspection. 10-ride and single ride paper tickets cannot be used on ORBT; instead, they should be used on other routes or exchanged at the Metro office for Umo credit.
- ORBT does not have fareboxes on board. Riders pay for their trip with the Umo app or smart card. Paper tokens can be purchased at the ticket vending machines located at ORBT Stations, the Westroads Transit Center, and the North Omaha Transit Center.
Have more questions?
If you’d rather speak to a member of our team, we’re happy to help! Contact our Customer Service team at 402-341-0807 (TDD), and we’ll answer any questions or concerns you may have.