Doing Business with Metro
Metro conducts transactions across the agency’s operations, including procurement for professional services, operations and management, rolling stock, construction, materials and supplies, and more.
In being a responsible steward of public money, Metro’s procurement process ensures that purchases of services, materials, equipment and supplies are made at the best possible price with considerations for price, quality, applicability, availability, support service, and pertinent laws and regulations.
All federal contract clauses as provided by 49 CFR Part 18 and FTA Circular 4220.1F, shall be deemed to be incorporated, whether or not expressly set forth, in any Metro procurement and/or contract.
Register on Our Bidders List
Metro is required pursuant to 49 CFR Part 26(c) to create and maintain a comprehensive Bidders List. Metro’s Bidders List is a compilation of bidders, proposers, quoters, subcontractors and suppliers of materials and services who have submitted bids during the advertising period of a solicitation for services and/or goods.
Metro uses the Bidders List Data Form to collect bidder information and determine the relative availability of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and non-DBEs, which assists with establishing Metro’s annual DBE goal.
Register for the Bidders List (print form) Register for the Bidders List (fillable form)
Getting Started
The Procurement Manager coordinates all formal solicitations for goods or services. The invitation for bids includes any specifications and pertinent attachments defining the items or services sought. Questions related to the bid process, or clarifications pertaining to written specifications, should be directed to the Procurement Manager at or 402-341-7560, ext. 2272 and/or the person(s) designated in the specifications.
Bidders List
Bidder Lists are maintained for all classes of commodities and services normally used by Metro. The advantage of being on our Bidders List is to increase the potential of being notified of our purchasing needs.
To be added to our Bidders List, contact the Purchasing Department at the number and extension referred to in the preceding paragraph.
Simply being on the Bidders List does not guarantee you will receive solicitations. The volume of vendors sometimes prohibits solicitations to every vendor listed under a particular commodity or service. It is the responsibility of the vendor to secure the proper bid packages(s) where applicable and remain aware of Metro purchasing and contracting opportunities.
Points to Remember
- Read all solicitation packages carefully.
- Be sure you comply with all requirements before you respond.
- Be sure your bid arrives on time. All solicitation packages will contain the date and time the bid is due to Metro. Do not depend on the U.S. Postal Service or a courier service.
In accordance with Metro’s operating policies, our employees are prohibited from accepting gifts, special accommodations or privileges from a contractor or his/her agent, suppliers or dealers with whom Metro does business. Vendors are requested to adhere to the Metro’s policies in this regard.
Bidding and Approval Process
Informal Competitive Bids
Price quotations are secured from vendors and awarded to the lowest and best bidder for goods or services.
Formal Competitive Bids
Bids are publicly solicited, and a contract is awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder; Metro reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The following requirements apply:
- The invitation for bids will be publicly advertised;
- The invitation for bids shall include any specifications and pertinent attachments and shall define the items or services sought;
- All bids will be publicly opened at the time and place prescribed in the invitation to bidders.
Non-Competitive Procurement
Sole source procurement is accomplished through solicitations or acceptance of a proposal from only one source after determining competition is inadequate. Purchases may be made directly from a vendor in cases of emergency, specialized equipment or other unusual circumstances.
Approvals for contract awards for goods or services shall be initiated in accordance with the appropriate procurement method contained within the Company’s purchasing procedures and/or Federal Transit Administration regulations as may be applicable.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program
For our region to thrive, the workforce building Metro’s transit network should reflect the diverse communities we serve. Metro is committed to providing opportunities for Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) in an effort to create a level playing field and provide fair opportunities for all businesses competing for contract.