March 15, 2024

Each and every day, Metro connects people to the places and opportunities that mean the most to them. These connections couldn’t be made without  devoted, hard-working staff.

This Monday, March 18th, is National Transit Employee Appreciation Day. Metro is joining hundreds of transit agencies to recognize the dedicated individuals who  provide a necessary service.

Join us in celebrating by:

  • Saying “thank you” to Metro staff during your travels
  • Sharing your appreciation on social media – make sure to tag our account!
  • Submitting a compliment for the Metro staff you have witnessed going above and beyond

From the bus and paratransit operators to dispatchers, mechanics to utility workers, custodians to the building and grounds crew, trainers to administrative staff, it takes a full team to keep Metro moving.

Check out some highlights of our staff!

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Metro seeks feedback on potential May service changes

March 13, 2024

The Regional Metropolitan Transit Authority of Omaha (Metro) is seeking […]

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Metro to celebrate Nebraska Public Transit Week in late April

April 1, 2024

Later this April, Metro will celebrate Nebraska Public Transit Week […]

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