MetroNEXT Transit Scenarios

Time: 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Location: Facebook Live
Throughout MetroNEXT, we’ve heard from hundreds of community members about their ideas for improving transit in our region. After reviewing that feedback, staff has developed three improvement scenarios to be considered for our MetroNEXT plan, which will guide our agency over the next 5 to 10 years.
Join us with the North Omaha Neighborhood Alliance and learn more about how our MetroNEXT plan is taking shape and see the exciting plans we’re considering for our community! We welcome your questions and input as we identify a final scenario for the MetroNEXT plan, which will be presented to the public in April.
This meeting will be held on Facebook Live and staff will go through each scenario option and give attendees the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback.
Spanish translation will be available at all meetings. Attendees with communication or accommodation needs such as interpreting services, auxiliary aids, or readers must call 402.341.7560 ext. 2300 at least two working days prior to a meeting so appropriate arrangements can be made. To request foreign language translation other than Spanish, please call at least 72 hours prior to the meetings.
About the process:
MetroNEXT is a yearlong planning & public involvement initiative by Metro Transit to guide and prioritize future public transportation improvements for the Omaha region. The process will result in the MetroNEXT Plan, a multi-year transit enhancement strategy for the agency. Throughout the MetroNEXT process, we will consider:
- More frequent bus arrivals
- Better bus stops, including passenger shelters and route information
- Future ORBT lines
- New service types to connect the region
- Potential service expansion
Learn more about MetroNEXT at