MetroNEXT: The Rapid Transit Network

Time: 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Location: Virtual
The Rapid Transit Network
Our community has responded positively to the first year of service on ORBT – but we’ve heard loud and clear that one rapid transit line just isn’t enough! Through careful analysis and stakeholder input, we’ve identified 24th Street from Ames Avenue to Q Street as our next area to study for rapid transit upgrades. We’ll also discuss long-term plans for additional rapid transit lines to be studied in the future.
This meeting content will be offered at two virtual meetings:
- Tuesday, November 30 – 6-7 p.m.
- Thursday, December 2 – 12:30-1:30 p.m.
This meeting will begin with a brief presentation from Metro staff, including several polling questions, the option for chat comments, and concluding with an open question and answer session. The meeting will last about 45 minutes, and a recording will be available on our website.
Accessing the meeting:
Metro is using Zoom to host this meeting. Below is the information to join by computer or phone:
Join MetroNEXT: Routes + Schedules –
Meeting ID: 873 6028 3839
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Meeting ID: 873 6028 3839
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Note: A Spanish interpreter will be available for those in attendance and captions will be turned on throughout the meeting. A recording will be posted after both Rapid Transit Network meetings are held.
About the process:
MetroNEXT is a yearlong planning & public involvement initiative by Metro Transit to guide and prioritize future public transportation improvements for the Omaha region. The process will result in the MetroNEXT Plan, a multi-year transit enhancement strategy for the agency. Throughout the MetroNEXT process, we will consider:
- More frequent bus arrivals
- Better bus stops, including passenger shelters and route information
- Future ORBT lines
- New service types to connect the region
- Potential service expansion
Learn more about MetroNEXT at