July 15, 2024

Solicitation for Quotes
The Regional Metropolitan Transit Authority of Omaha, d/b/a/ Metro request from qualified certified companies to perform the diagnosis, analysis, and submission of documents of bus CNG tank/cylinder system inspection.

Quotes shall be submitted on the form provided via email to: procurement@ometro.com. Metro prefers quotes be submitted electronically. If you are unable to submit via email, please Mail or hand deliver to:

The Regional Metropolitan Transit Authority of Omaha
Procurement and Contracts Manager
15-24: 2024 CNG Tank Inspection
2222 Cuming St
Omaha NE 68102-4392 

Due Date, regardless of submission type is: 2:00 pm, Central Daylight Time, August 5, 2024, please contact the Procurement and Contracts Manager at procurement@ometro.com or call: 402-341-7560 Ext. 2272.

Estimated Project schedule
7-15-2024                        Request for Quotes/Publish
7-22-2024                        Request for Clarification or Substitution
7-29-2024                        Responses to Clarifications of Substitution
8-5-2024                          Quotes Due by 2:00 pm CST
8-12-2024                        Contract Award

RFQ 2024 CNG TANK INSPECTION 15-24 (Added 7/15/24)