Our Leadership
The Governing Body of Metro
Metro is governed by a seven-member nonpartisan Board of Directors elected by the Omaha community.
The district maps are available here:
The Board of Directors sets agency policy, oversees the budget, reviews procurement contracts and more. Monthly board meetings are scheduled for the fourth Thursday of the month at 8:30 a.m., unless changed by the board.
Board of Directors

Curt Simon, Chair
District 6

Daniel Padilla, Vice-Chair
District 4

Cornelius Williams
District 1

Clarice Dombeck
District 2

Yanira Garcia
District 3

Josh Corrigan
District 5

Tim Lonergan
District 7
Upcoming Board Meeting
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Contact the Board
If you have a suggestion, question or comment about your experience with Metro, we welcome you to contact us through our general email (info@ometro.com) or by calling 402-341-0800 (voice) or 402-341-0807 (TDD).
If your concern cannot be addressed by our Customer Service team, please know that matters reviewed by our Board of Directors may take up to 10 days to process.
ADDRESS THE BOARD regarding agenda items
Metro’s Board recognizes the importance of public participation, appreciates input from community members, and is committed to conducting its meetings in a productive and efficient manner. The intent of public comment should be to share thoughts on topics related to Metro business and therefore, to help Metro make better decisions.
Community members are permitted to address the board during any meeting regarding matters on the agenda that are being considered or discussed by the board, subject to the rules of Metro.
Address the Board regarding other matters
If you’d like to address the Board at a regularly scheduled meeting about a matter related to Metro, other than an item on the agenda, you may do so during a designated period for oral comments not related to any agenda resolution or action item.
Speakers will be limited to two minutes each to allow others to speak and will be asked to be courteous in their language and presentation, refraining from repetitious, profane or irrelevant comments. All documents read before the Board must be submitted to the recording secretary and will be made a permanent part of the meeting record.
Members of the public can also contact the Metro Board at the following address:
Metro Transit
ATTN: Board Members and/or Individual Name
2222 Cuming Street
Omaha, NE 68102-4392