Metro Transit Coronavirus Response

March 13, 2020
Metro is taking steps in response to the potential spread of COVID-19. Like partner transit agencies nationwide, Metro is closely monitoring the spread of COVID-19 and working with local health officials to ensure the health and safety of employees and riders.
Steps include:
- Continuing a comprehensive cleaning program for buses and paratransit vehicles, which includes both daily cleaning and disinfecting and routine deep cleaning
- Increasing the concentration of disinfectant solution and how frequently buses and paratransit vehicles are disinfected, especially in high-touch areas
- Increasing the availability of hand sanitizer in Metro facilities, and providing operators with disinfectant wipes and gloves
- Continuing to work with the Douglas County Health Department to monitor COVID-19 and update cleaning procedures
- Educating staff and riders about prevention methods
If riders have concerns about particular buses, they are urged to notify a Metro employee, contact Metro’s customer service at (402)341-0800, or submit a comment through Metro’s online form.
Metro encourages riders, staff, and the public to follow the guidance of health officials. Nebraska Medicine has issued the following recommendations regarding prevention:
- Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds, using hand sanitizer as a second option.
- Don’t touch your mouth, nose or eyes, especially with unwashed hands.
- Avoid contact with people who are sick.
- If you are sick, stay at home.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing. Don’t cough or sneeze into your hands.
- Frequently clean and disinfect frequently touched objects in your home, car and workplace.
If you have questions or concerns about COVID-19, please contact local health authorities. For more information, please visit the following websites:
- Douglas County Health Department:
- Nebraska Medicine:
- Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services:
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
- World Health Organization: