Sharing the Road with ORBT
Navigating Safely with ORBT
Sharing the road with ORBT is easy, but there are several new changes and road patterns to keep in mind. ORBT serves curbside stations and stops with a bus lane downtown. If you’re driving a vehicle, remember to be extra cautious and follow these rules of the road.
Bus Lanes
When you’re downtown, you’ll notice bus lanes clearly marked on the right-hand side of Dodge and Douglas Streets.
If you’re on board, you’re in luck — these bus lanes are reserved for public transit vehicles only and will help Metro provide you with frequent, stellar service.
If you prefer to drive or bike, don’t worry — you can still make right-hand turns at the dashed line. Before entering a bus lane remember to:
- Signal your turn
- Yield to buses
- Check twice before entering the lane
- Change lanes at the dashed line in the block before your turn
Those turning onto Dodge or Douglas should yield to buses and turn into the lane adjacent to the bus lane.
Bus lanes will replace a small portion of on-street parking. See how the bus lane affects parking and check out all available public parking with Park Omaha’s online map. Metro is asking for the community’s cooperation in keeping bus lanes clear to ensure efficient transit service and traffic movement.
Queue Jump
No, that ORBT bus didn’t just run a red light at 84th and Dodge on its way to downtown. It used the queue jump!
A queue jump gives ORBT buses a few seconds’ head-start so they can safely merge back into traffic. ORBT buses are given this priority heading east from the ORBT station in the right turn lane at 84th & Dodge.
If you’re on board, you’re in luck! You just jumped ahead. If you’re driving, sit tight and wait for your green light.